Our Contacts

Contact Us

Check out our contact channels below, or if you prefer, fill out the form below and send us your message.

Contact channels

Check out our contact channels below. If you prefer, use the form to the right to send your message.

Phone: +55 (11) 2770-2000
Address: Administrative Headquarters
Rua Bela Cintra, 904 - Consolação
Zip Code 01415-002 - São Paulo - SP

If you are here to make a Grievance, please contact our
Reporting Channel.

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  • Other

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Complaints channel Grupo BBF

Our Addresses

São Paulo - Head Office
Rua Bela Cintra, 904 - Consolação Zip Code 01415-002 - São Paulo - SP
Almirante Castro e Silva, 717 - Bairro Isaura Parente Zip Code 69918-288 - Rio Branco - AC
Rua Pará, 161 - Nossa Senhora das Graças Zip Code 69053-575 - Manaus - AM
Highway BR-210, Boa União Farm - Gleba Jauaperi CEP 69375-000 - São João da Baliza - RR
Rua Dom Pedro II, 2722 - Bairro São Cristóvão Zip Code 76804-138 - Porto Velho - RO
Rua Orestes Matana, 451 - Distrito Industrial Zip Code 76904-515 - Ji-Paraná - RO
Alcindo Cacela, 1.264 - Ed. Empire Center, 13° Andarar - Bairro Nazaré Zip Code 66.040-020 - Belém - PA
PA 140 Highway, Ramal da Mariquita, KM 31, S/N, Rural Area Zip Code 68.690-000 - Acará - PA
Highway PA 150, KM 37, S/N - Rural Area Zip Code 68.450-000 - Moju - PA
Rodovia PA 140, KM 55, S/N - Rural Area Zip Code 68.685-000 - Concórdia do Pará - PA
Highway PA 151, Ramal do Mututinga, KM 3, S/N - Rural Area Zip Code 68.440-000 - Abaetetuba - PA
Ramal Vila do Socorro, KM 28, S/N - Rural Area Zip Code 68.680-000 - Tomé-Açu - PA

Our People

Collaborator in the oil palm plantations of grupo BBF
image of a grupo BBF worker in the oil palm plantation
image of a grupo BBF worker walking through a palm oil plantation
worker welding

We are proud to have more than 6,000 direct employees, more than 18,000 indirect employees and more than 450 family farmers. Together, we are caring for and transforming the Amazon region.


Direct employees


Indirect collaborators


Partner Families of the Family Farming Program

Press Office

GBR Corporate Communication - Fabiana Nunes
Phone: +55 11 94928-7016
E-mail: imprensa@grupobbf.com.br